Your dedicated AI and technology consultant
It all starts with a prompt_
Where are you going? Where do you want to be?
My passion is helping business owners solve problems by asking the right questions.
My goal is to introduce you to a space where change and digital transformation can happen, fast. Our success is measured by how much time and effort we save you.
10+ Years Experience Building Memorable Brands
Lead AI Engineer for Transparency & The Bunk Police
Former Product Manager @ Charles Schwab
Former Conversation Designer @ TD Ameritrade
Former Content Strategist @ Corporate 3 Design
Specialty: Healthcare, Finance, AI, Harm Reduction
Get a free AI bot to help you achieve your business goals
Bring a completed AI checklist to a kick-off meeting, and we will build you a free AI bot*
FREE AI ChecklistComplete the checklist
Our checklist helps us guarantee success when building your new bot. If you have trouble completing the checklist, we can help too!
Schedule kick-off meeting
Submit the answers to your completed checklist and we will schedule a time to meet with you to start building!
Launch your free AI bot
We will build you a free bot that can be used for customer-facing support or to assist with a specific internal business workflow.
Ongoing maintenance not included*